Monday, October 25, 2010

all by mysee-heh-heeeeeelllffff-ah

when aunt lindsey put olive in her travel crate to go to the airport, i got in my travel crate too.

i know humans don't understand our very complex language, but i tried my hardest to ask her if i could come too. i couldn't bear a single moment without my sister olive.

but she had to leave. i miss olive. i'll just have to be content with cuddling my human friends, even if they don't love the smell of my poo the way my sister did.

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oliiiiiiive!!!!!11 come back to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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this was our last morning together. le sigh. i can't wait until we go visit olive in las vegas this december.
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"baxter's last laugh," starring baxter and olive

so i THOUGHT we were sharing.

but olive had other plans. as soon as i let my guard down she grabbed the bone and started rolling around in ecstacy, flaunting it in my face.

i perched on the chair across from the couch, watching her forlornly.

...and then i made my move. suck it, olive.

MUUAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! (<<--- that's my last laugh. get it? because it's the title?)
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ball o' teeth

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here's my patented "back dat ass up" move. i wasn't as graceful at fighting as olive, so when i needed a break i would poke her in the face with my booty.

yeah. my sister's got some skillz.

how about an art shot?

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my beautiful sister

her name is olive. her parents just adopted our cousin-slash-half-sister, basil. i'll let you figure our family tree out yourself.

isn't she pretty?

how about one in black and white?

yeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh, that's it. WURK it, guuuuurl.
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i taught olive how to drink out of my hamster bottle while she was here. aunt lindsey and uncle jabez were worried she would start thinking she was a rodent.

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these pictures were taken 20 seconds apart

mom called us "mercurial." i chewed one of her shoes as punishment for using a vocabulary word i didn't know.

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me and olive, together forever

we like to pretend we're cerberus, only with two heads instead of three. (that's me on the left)

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...and then my sister olive came to visit

we took LOTS of naps together, in between 10-hour play seshes. notice how both of us sleep with our mouths hanging slightly open.

this is the "reverse spoon" cuddle posish.

sometimes you can't tell where one of us ends and the other begins. here's how to tell us apart: i'm about twice the size of olive and my fur is a teensy bit curlier. and my big dumbo-style ears are too heavy for me to hold up, so they just flop there while olive is a regular ear-acrobat.

...i only tried to hump her twice, but when i did my mom clapped really loud and said NO INCEST! so i had to stop.
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i quite like the new rug in the bedroom

...even if i don't hold still while being photographed.

my mom LOVES to edit blurry photos without any fancy software. she thinks it's hilarious.
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when you're a model, you have to know how to make little changes for each frame.

notice the verrrrrry slight head-tilt action between these two photos.

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Friday, October 1, 2010